How To Sell Your Customers The Right Water Pipe

Sep 30, 2024
How To Sell Your Customers The Right Water Pipe

Amidst a landscape of constantly evolving technology and increasingly powerful electronic options, there has been one product that has stood steadfast in its popularity throughout the test of time - the water pipe.

With the ingenious combination of a beaker for water filtration, a neck for inhaling, and a bowl for the packing of dry herbs - these iconic water pipes have been a favorite of smokers for decades because they are simple in design, yet immensely powerful in practice.

From this continued demand of water pipes has come an absolute deluge of options that offer something different for every type of sense and sensibility that exists. But with so many fish in the sea, the options can become confusing, redundant, and daunting for customers.

That’s why Got Vape Wholesale has gone ahead and created a handy guide to break down all the different types of water pipes available and what types of customers they would appeal to.

Table of Contents:

How To Sell The Your Customer The Right Water Pipe
How Do You Find Out What Your Customers Want?
Have A Strong Understanding Of The Options
Gold Standard Glass Water Pipes
Fun or Novelty Pipes
Silicone Pipes
Built In Percolator Pipes
The Best Top Shelf Option
A Watery Outro

How To Sell The Your Customer The Right Water Pipe

Onto the question at hand - how are you as the shop owner, to go about getting your customer a water pipe that not only completes the sale, but leaves them satisfied and thrilled about their recent purchase.

After all, with buyer remorse being a real issue that leads to chargebacks, returns, or poor word of mouth spreading - it’s important to make sure that you are getting your customer the product that will leave them most happy. This will give you the happy, recurring fan base that you need to see your profits start climbing.

In order to make sure that you are matching the right piece, to the right customer - you are going to first have to figure out what your shoppers buying preferences are.

Image of blocks describing customer needs vs wants

How Do You Find Out What Your Customers Want?

Luckily for us we don’t need a crystal ball or x-ray vision to see inside of the minds of the customer, you just need to observe and then ask! You see when a customer looks for a product they often have two needs on the forefront of their minds - those that are functional and those that are more emotional.

Functional needs are the specific immutable properties that a customer is looking for in their water pipe purchase. Think of the pipe's height, inclusion of percolators, water filtration, ect.

Emotional needs can be harder to pin down, but revolve around how the product makes customers feel due to its design, brand, reputation, and other intangible concepts that inform the purchase.

In order to figure these two out, all you have to do is observe what the customer is currently looking at and then ask them what they want. From here all you need to do is be able to have the wealth of knowledge to direct them to a product that satisfies all their needs.

Have A Strong Understanding Of The Options

In order to help you out with selling the right water pipe, to the right customer - we have gone ahead and broken down some of the biggest categories.

Whether you need a quicker refresher, or just are interested in one of the categories below give them a look to see if you find anything worth grabbing for your shop!

For each of them we have provided several options for you to stock your shop with, so if you see any areas that you think your shop could grow in, please give our sales reps a call and they will be able to get you what you need shipped out immediately.

Puffco Cupsy outside near water pipes

Gold Standard Glass Water Pipes

The most common of the water pipes are the traditional no frills glass ones. These see-through beauties offer the most basic of options, and are incredibly popular with a wide swath of customers.

A perfect example of this is with our GV Glass Distro 18 Inch 7mm Beaker Bowl as it has a lengthy neck to cool the smoke and also allow for much larger hits before clearing.

For a water pipe like this, emphasize how much more powerful they are than a traditional dry pipe or rolled paper. Thanks to the vacuum created when a customer places their mouth on the water pipe and inhales, they are able to get 100% of their materials combusted, filtered, and subsequently inhaled.

Customers who are looking for a more intense experience or are looking to save on their materials costs will be especially interested in pieces like this.

Another great option to stock up on is the IDab Medium 14mm Worked Henny Bottle Water Pipe, as it has the same classic function but has the addition of a heavy base for extra stability, being coupled with an absolutely awesome Hennessy bottle esque design. The IDab pieces come in a variety of different colors and bring a noticeable edge to the water pipe.

These are great options to have on deck for any customers that have a more rambunctious lifestyle such as living with multiple roommates, currently attending college, or those who live with a pet that likes to tip things over! The heavy base is a huge selling point, as it negates one of all water pipe owners worst fears - the piece breaking.

Fun or Novelty Pipes

Another important category of water pipes is those that fall under the umbrella of being fun / novelty pieces that offer something special with their design, while still being full functional pieces that customers can use for their herbs.

These types of pieces appeal to people who have massive collections of glass and are avid buyers, as well as those who are looking for something special to become their first piece. It’s going to attract a different type of customer that is more about their emotional smoking needs, then with their functional ones.

A great example of a novelty pipe that is both incredibly fun and functional, is the Puffco Cupsy Water Pipe thanks to its faux coffee cup design providing both an air of subtlety and the fun of feeling like a James Bond agent come to life.

The Cupsy is a piece that is going to immediately catch eyes as customers will be drawn to its incredibly realistic design and to the novelty of having a piece like that in their collection.

Another great novelty pipe the customers will love is the selection of Empire Glassworks Mini Tube Water Pipes that come in designs including Rocket Ship, Avocado, Bonsai, Bee Hive, and Red Woods.

These options from Empire include highly detailed glass flourishes and a special interior design that makes each of these awesome pieces that will have a major appeal to novelty pipe collectors due to the highly customized nature of these.

Three silicone water pipes on colorful retro background

Silicone Pipes

And now for something entirely different, literally, because we have a whole different lane of water pipes with the excellent options provided by Silicone Pipes! These water pipes have been constructed from the malleable, soft, and lightweight material of Silicone and offer customers a truly different experience.

In case your customers ask, silicone is a synthetic material that comes in a variety of forms including, they are known for their heat resistance and usage for a vast variety of different items.

As these Silicone Pieces are essentially the polar opposite of glass - they offer a much safer and accident resistant experience that will be incredibly popular with customers looking for a piece that they don’t have to put on a pedestal, it can be out on the table 24/7 no problem.

Additionally for customers ease of use, silicone pieces are much easier to clean than their glass counterparts due to these same reasons.

The more malleable materials can often detach and be cleaned individually, giving customers access to areas of the water pipe that with a glass pipe they just would never be able to.

Some great options to stock in your shop include our 12 Inch Silicone Water Pipe, 4 in 1 Water Pipe Rig, and Bottle Shaped Silicone Water Pipe! All of these choices are made out of silicone, while still providing the potent experience that customers have come to expect from water pipes.

These are a great option to have on deck for any shoppers who recently broke their pipe, as they will be more inclined to try something new and more accident averse. Additionally Silicone pipes are significantly cheaper than their glass counterparts, making them not only great for durability but also for sell-ability.

Built In Percolator Pipes

In order to make sure you have options for customers looking for something more advanced in their water pipe, we wanted to point out the advantages of having pipes with built in percolators!

Percolators allow for the formation of air bubbles as customers inhale from their water pipe that work to both cool and smooth the resulting smoke. This makes for a more seamless experience, as well as one that can be more potent due to shoppers being able to take larger hits.

Emphasize how much these percolators transform the water pipe experience in order to demonstrate the value of them to shoppers.

Without the proper knowledge, percolators just look like a way to increase glass prices - but for those in the know, it’s an essential part of the package. So always make sure you explain how much more seamless they make the experience in order to attract more customers to these items.

Check out our GV Glass Distro 12 Inch Dual Perc Water Pipe and take note of the two percolators located within its body. Not only do these add an immense amount of power to the water pipe, but they also work as aesthetically pleasing highlights that really make the pipe feel unique.

For another option, the brand Elevate Jane has a gorgeous Chroma Mimi Water Pipe that utilizes two different types of percolators, turbine and inline, in order to give a best of both worlds experience that boosts cloud volume, potency, and smoothness.

Stundenglass Gravity Infuser in front of purple studio background

The Best Top Shelf Option

Having scoured the world over to find the best water pipes, one of the absolute best of the best that you should be aware of is Stündenglass and their collection of powerful Gravity Infusers!

These incredibly awesome Gravity Infusers have taken the notion of a water pipe and truly ran with it - check out this clip demonstrating its use. As you can see Stündenglass has used a novel form of water filtration to deliver something that’s completely unique.

Due to the higher price tag these aren’t going to be for every customer, but with the cost comes a slew of top tier luxuries like its ingenious rotating gravity design and quality design.

These qualities are essential to attracting the type of shopper who would happily drop down the cash for a Stündenglass, as these types are always looking for ways to spend their money, so long as they feel it’s actually worthwhile.

With the Gravity Infusers you have a German made unicorn of a water pipe, that truly looks like no others, making this the exact item that big spenders like to break out the checkbook for.

A Watery Outro

With the options laid out in front of you, it’s time to reflect on your own customer base and think about which water pipes you could put in that cater to them.

It’s always good to have a variety, as you never know when your next big spender is going to walk off the street and be thrilled that you have all the choices they want!

For more industry commentary, sales guides, and product investigations - make sure to check out the rest of our postings right here at the Got Vape Smoke Shop Blog.

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